Friday, April 22, 2016



           以前漫畫家諷刺當政者,最多只是被控訴法庭、漫畫雜誌被杯葛,最極端的就是收到一些死亡威脅的電郵;現在畫下回撚,立刻去你的雜誌社開槍屠殺,鬼佬不怕?與其說西方評論員、漫畫家風骨比東方的高很多,不如說他們只是還沒有遇到劣等東方的暴力手法,現在來幾單,鬼佬鬼婆全部跪了。我關注了西方所謂的“右翼”政黨整1年多,主要關注的包括有丹麥的DF、法國的FN、英國的BNP、瑞典的SD、荷蘭的PVV等,所謂的對回撚的“極端政見”,其實還是很膚淺的。歐洲反回撚總旗手荷蘭PVV黨魁Geert Wilder,只是把回教徒的《可蘭經》比作希特勒的《我的奮鬥》而已。而,你我活在回撚國家,知道希大大遠遠比不上前者。



                回撚在西方社會表示,包頭只是一種fashion,不用那麼大驚小怪,這也是很多華鏟試圖為回撚開脫的一種說法。但是,如果是fashion,女生有的選擇嗎?穿不穿比基尼會有道德判斷嗎?但回撚的女生不包頭,就會受到宗教撚和同輩的壓力,這些,叫作fashion嗎?還有許多莫名其妙的雙重標準,大家怕被炸,就允許了。Quentin Tarantino等暴力電影、暴力電玩導致一些青少年暴力色情會被禁,但回撚教義製造了這麼多恐怖分子,卻沒有被禁止,甚至連最低程度的討論都沒有,可見我們的雙重標準多麼離譜。而這些大細超的形成,還不是回撚的暴力威懾力所弄到的?


                也未必,反擊之翼也是有的。昨天在網上看到一個在瑞典叫作Mona Walter前回撚,她脫教後積極幫助自己的回撚姐妹了解回撚的劣等性,造福全人類。因為她的舉動,讓她受到了回撚(對,不是真正的,真正的不會威脅,真正的會贊同你脫教對嗎?吶!凸)其他回撚的死亡威脅。在劣等物種不停侵蝕人類的價值觀時,這些 #exMuslim,就是我們人類的反擊之希望。在面書找這個hashtag,可以看到很多希望的。丹麥DF人民黨幾年前表示,他們如果成功執政(現在是在野執政),就會推動幫回撚脫教的政策,希望早日兌現承諾。我們呢?我們在馬來西亞少數的非回撚,面對回撚的壓境,要怎麼辦?

           我們固然不能大剌剌反對,但至少可以在生活上不要妥協。沒有必要故意侮辱馬鏟,但也不需要特地討好,什麼馬鏟齋戒月向馬鏟得到許可才吃東西喝水那些矯情動作,免了。那些整個公司旅行但為了遷就一兩個馬鏟整村人在外國吃清蒸餐的柒頭事就更好笑了。如我公司沒有明文規定不能在微波爐叮豬肉,但許多華人同事卻會批評我這麼做,就是這些“包容同理心”,才會養成馬鏟那種理所當然的霸權的。我現在就等馬鏟投訴我,如果有人反對我叮豬肉,我就說也要ban牛肉。好像打Dota Captain Mode那樣,你banEarthshaker我當然他媽的ban回你Centaur ,屌你咩,只有你ban我,沒有我ban你?最後逼到回撚講,這裡是我們回撚的國家,我們大完,我們惡晒,只有你遷就我,沒有我遷就你,那時就嘻嘻了。



  1. 大马的问题和回燃的问题被猪哥一针见血的分析出来。我也认为火箭并不是什么完全正义的政党。





  2. 這還不止, 西方國家的擼蛇左翼還睜大眼睛幫回撚說謊漂白!


  3. This is what disciples normally believe. God created Hitler, drug dealer, killer and demons because he gave them the freewill to do evils. But any sane person who doesn't have any mental illness will not give freewill to anybody to hurt anybody let alone their loved ones. So who is being insane? God or the believers? If disciples will not give freewill to anybody to hurt anybody then they are more humane and wiser than the God whom their worship to. Therefore if God is real, he should worship the disciples instead of the other way round.

    The real problem of the issue is that the world needs to really understand that we aren't created by any deity nor God nor any other Creator in whatsoever names. Creator doesn't exist just as fictitious as Santa Claus. There could be many many unseen beings in different dimensions but none of them are God. Note that the word God is defined differently in Chinese culture. To the Chinese, God is loosely known as heavenly beings, such as mountain God, river God or etc. But to westerners God is commonly defined as the all powerful and all merciful creator who created Hitler to massacre 6 millions of European Jews during WWII, but he loves them very much.

    Seriously, this is a simple argument that average educated person should comprehend. But why do people fail so terribly?

  4. To fight "mainstream" terrorism, we shouldn't use weapons, because terrorists aren't afraid of death. They are very very afraid of the fact that the Creator whom they believe is actually fiction. Therefore logic and reason are the deadly weapon to end terrorism but not bullets. Please wake up more deluded people that we are responsible for our own deeds not God because he is not real.

    If God is real then he must have created Hitler and God is responsible for what Hitler did and Hitler was only an actor acting according to God's plan. It means Hitler was innocent and more people will imitate Hitler. This is exactly what cult leaders do, they always have insane reasons to hurt people over God's plan. Please replace Hitler with Bush, Osama and all famous terrorists in the above statement and read it again. It cures depression.

    We may or may not know how we came into existence but definitely we aren't created by any Creator. Because if it was, this world would not have been as stupid and as insane as it is by now. How can a Creator fail to understand by creating a better world he didn't have to send so many prophets to make his plan right. He should know how to get his plan right the first time.

  5. Hi General Swine aka brother swine, I've been following your blog for quite some time. I like your sense of humor. Sorry I don't mean to steal your show nor would I want to hijack your blog. Just want to reveal important issues that people especially among Chinese community who normally ignore or simply don't realize at all. So please bare with me okay? I promise insightful contents instead of baseless rants.

    Did anybody realize that freewill contradicts with punishment according to all holy books? To make my point clear, say the law of a country allows freewill for drug dealers to sell all kinds of drugs at the supermarket. When this is happening, the cops there will not be arresting anybody for doing so. And no drug dealers should be punished for such an act. Of course this is crazy, but not to creationists.

    By the same token, if God is real and he gave freewill to criminal to act freely then he wouldn't be bothered to punish them at all. Therefore for God to punish thieves by chopping off their hands is contradictory. Because if God is real and all-knowing (as depicted in all holy books), he already knew how these people will grow up and became thieves later the moment he created them at the production floor. But he went on anyway to launch these products to the world. Then such a God couldn't be bothered to send any spoke person (aka prophet) nor any revelations nor to punish anybody at all. Therefore the notion of judgement day is a hoax by the logic of these believers.

    Many people believe communists are dangerous, but the ideology can't even make it for another 100 years. On the other hand, those who believe in God especially Unitarians, Creationists (including mainstream terrorists), agnostics who consist more than 2/3 of the entire world's population and for thousands of years, they never bore to kill each other over the differences of doctrines. Because of that, those who believe in God are more dangerous than those who don't. Don't forget all religion motivated terrorists are devout believers. They are the true believers. Why argue? Go read the book and do your own research. And please don't consult the believers, they either don't know what is written in the book or even if they do they will sugarcoat to justify sin. Also anything that comes out from the mouths of politicians or celebrities are the least for anybody to believe.

    Assuming, there is a religion that fervently believes there is a God who created all things but strictly prohibits lamb. Because according to its scripture sheep are the filthiest animals in the world. But the problem with this particular religion is, if God is real why would he create such a dirty animal in the first place and then taking all the troubles to prohibit his disciples from consuming it? Wouldn't it make more sense for the all-knowing and all-wise God not to create something which he regards as dirty in the first place? Do you have to be a rocket scientist to understand such a simple logic? Of course not. So what are you waiting for? Go wake them up from the wet dreams.

  6. Hi General Swine aka brother swine, I've been following your blog for quite some time. I like your sense of humor. Sorry I don't mean to steal your show nor would I want to hijack your blog. Just want to reveal important issues that people especially among Chinese community who normally ignore or simply don't realize at all. So please bare with me okay? I promise insightful contents instead of baseless rants.

    Did anybody realize that freewill contradicts with punishment according to all holy books? To make my point clear, say the law of a country allows freewill for drug dealers to sell all kinds of drugs at the supermarket. When this is happening, the cops there will not be arresting anybody for doing so. And no drug dealers should be punished for such an act. Of course this is crazy, but not to creationists.

    By the same token, if God is real and he gave freewill to criminal to act freely then he wouldn't be bothered to punish them at all. Therefore for God to punish thieves by chopping off their hands is contradictory. Because if God is real and all-knowing (as depicted in all holy books), he already knew how these people will grow up and became thieves later the moment he created them at the production floor. But he went on anyway to launch these products to the world. Then such a God couldn't be bothered to send any spoke person (aka prophet) nor any revelations nor to punish anybody at all. Therefore the notion of judgement day is a hoax by the logic of these believers.

    Many people believe communists are dangerous, but the ideology can't even make it for another 100 years. On the other hand, those who believe in God especially Unitarians, Creationists (including mainstream terrorists), agnostics who consist more than 2/3 of the entire world's population and for thousands of years, they never bore to kill each other over the differences of doctrines. Because of that, those who believe in God are more dangerous than those who don't. Don't forget all religion motivated terrorists are devout believers. They are the true believers. Why argue? Go read the book and do your own research. And please don't consult the believers, they either don't know what is written in the book or even if they do they will sugarcoat to justify sin. Also anything that comes out from the mouths of politicians or celebrities are the least for anybody to believe.

    Assuming, there is a religion that fervently believes there is a God who created all things but strictly prohibits lamb. Because according to its scripture sheep are the filthiest animals in the world. But the problem with this particular religion is, if God is real why would he create such a dirty animal in the first place and then taking all the troubles to prohibit his disciples from consuming it? Wouldn't it make more sense for the all-knowing and all-wise God not to create something which he regards as dirty in the first place? Do you have to be a rocket scientist to understand such a simple logic? Of course not. So what are you waiting for? Go wake them up from the wet dreams.
